
(Un)loading - Files

Unload - cxuosr.exe

in the work directory DATABASE.dmp, FREEOBJ1.dmp, FREEOBJ2.dmp, ... Unload database as ASCII file
Bmp*.dmp, Save*.com,
Data stream for objects of classes CX_BITMAP, CX_COM_OBJECT, CX_MULTIPLE_COM_OBJECT
REP_COLL.dmp Unload Root Entry Point Collections
UNLOAD.log Protocol file
in the Work-Directory or explicitly defined with /W TMPFILE.dmp Hash file

The location of the hash file can significantly influence the performance of the unloading process. Therefore it can be controlled explicitly and independently from all other files.

Load - cxlosr.exe

in the work directory DATABASE.dmp, FREEOBJ1.dmp, FREEOBJ2.dmp, ... unloaded database as ASCII file
Bmp*.dmp, Save*.com,
Data stream for objects of classes CX_BITMAP, CX_COM_OBJECT, CX_MULTIPLE_COM_OBJECT
REP_COLL.dmp unloaded root entry point collections
LOAD.log Protocol file
in the Work-Directory or explicitly defined with /G GATEWAY.dmp Hash file: Bridge from old to new database

The location of the gateway file can significantly influence the performance of the loading process. Therefore it can be controlled explicitly and independently of all other files.

Checksum - cxcosr.exe -1

in the work directory CHECKSUM.old Checksum of the old database (per class + total sum)
OBJECTS.old Checksum per object
in the Work-Directory or explicitly defined with /W TMPFILE.dmp hash file, created by cxuosr.exe

Checksum - cxcosr.exe -2

in the work directory CHECKSUM.new Checksum of the old database (per class + total sum)
OBJECTS.new Checksum per object
in the Work-Directory or explicitly defined with /G GATEWAY.dmp hash file, created by cxlosr.exe

Analysis - cxaosr.exe -A

in the work directory ANALYZE.lst Error list

Cross-reference of objects - cxxosr.exe -X

in the work directory XREF.lst Protocol
in the Work-Directory or explicitly defined with /G objects.xrf Hash file, maps "normal" objects to the CX_XREF objects